Achieve, believe and succeed in the outcomes you desire in your life now

David R. Behan
The elite master of clinical therapeutic modalities and the communication model of excellence in health, wellness and wellbeing.
David has been in this industry for over 25 years. He creates an atmosphere for improved metaphysical and psychological change.
Five principles for success
- Know your specific outcomes
- Take immediate action
- Have internal sensory acuity
- Have behavioural flexibility. This is key. With enough rapport and enough behavioural flexibility, you can always achieve your outcome
- Operate from a physiology and psychology of excellence that begets excellence
David’s background
As a Harley Street Clinician / Wellness Coach / Business Management Consultant for over 25 years, David created and founded NCLS® New Code Linguistic Strategies®.
NCLS® is a technique, technology and methodology for brief treatment and rapid resolution of psychological-emotional trauma, which stops us from creating the outcomes that we choose to have in our lives.
David is an elite clinician, lecturer, teacher and Reiki master trainer in the most proficient and profound rapid trauma treatments and fields of methodologies in the world today, working on:
- Clinical Psychoanalytical
- Psychotherapy
- CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Clinical Hypnotherapy
- Hypno-Analysis
- NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Timeline Therapy®
- EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
- TFT Thought Field Therapy
- Diagnostic VT
- EMDR Eye-movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
- NCLS® New Code Linguistic Strategies®
- Past Life Regression
- Inner Child Work
Knowledge is the new mental and physical you
Weekend retreats and seminars
Immerse yourself in a full weekend of integrative tranquillity and balance. An experience for your mind and body connection.
Health and wealth
Our health program will define for you what is intrinsically important and satisfying to implement by your own choice, to make improved changes with a sense of serenity and ease.
Five-day retreats and seminars
Join us for these elite wellness and health retreats and seminars with techniques, technologies and methodologies that will define your true excellence.
Achieve your outcomes in mind and body, serenely and successfully
Concept of ideas
Manifesting your own abundance
We use mental/physical health awareness, law of attraction, you are the secret, meditation, affirmations, visualisation and emotional psychological growth programmes for health, wellness and business success.
Creativity and innovation
Take advantage of the process of assimilation for success, procrastination versus motivation/achievement and application, removal of psychological-emotional turmoil, trauma, limiting beliefs decisions and choices – think about when they were made, for what reason and for what purpose. Imagine the possibilities.
Improve emotional skills
For greater happiness and contentment from within, we help to improve emotional, physical and psychological skills.
We look at the various stages of learning, logic, comprehension, unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, versus conscious unconscious competence, and the structure of your personality.
Better brain health
We explore how the mind works unconsciously and consciously, how stress gets into our psyche that then creates emotional psychological and physical problems.
Learn how you can change your thinking instantly, being free from the outcome of stress and the effect of worry and concern in your life.
The philosophy
We have a philosophy that examines the fundamentals of nature and nurture of our perceived reality involving the relationship between mind/matter, possibility, probability, plausibility and actuality. We use evidence-based techniques and methods for increasing mindfulness while decreasing stress, anxiety, depression and overwhelming feelings.
The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are. Take your health, career, business and life to the highest level of experience.